The Rise to Here!
“Started from the bottom, now we’re here. Started from the bottom now the whole team here.” These are some of the lyrics to a song by Drake. Bet you did not think I could get inspiration from a Drake song. But, I did. That being said, I may not be able to quote some of the other lyrics of that song. LOL! But, I love to take the good and leave the bad, as a Life Principle. But, these lyrics help me relate to the journey of life and even more so, my life. We all need to start somewhere to get any where.
Often, we get overwhelmed by the thought of the enormity of the journey toward our goals and dreams. We can get so bogged down or distracted by the journey, that we fail to start. However, if we fail to start, we will never be afforded the opportunity of enjoying the life that God purposed for us. This brings to mind the encounter with Peter and Jesus walking on the water (Matthew 14:29-31). Peter was obeying the command of Jesus, to walk on water. He obeyed Jesus immediately, and was able to do the unimaginable. However, when he took his eyes off Jesus, to look at the storm, he began to sink. He allowed the grandeur of the storm journey, to distract him from the grandeur of Jesus. This distraction almost cost him the destination. Jesus had to intervene and save him into the destination. When Jesus bids you to walk on the water, obey His command. Jesus always know best. After all He knows the end from the beginning.
Once we obey God, it is now God’s responsibility to take you to the destination. He is the one who works everything together for our good. He knows exactly which strings to pull, in order to bring to pass His desired outcome. All we are responsible for is taking the walk. What we don’t realize is the fact that when you take the walk, you are actually bringing a whole entourage with you. Your walk will affect your family, your friends, your community, your company, for generations to come. Your walk is necessary for God to use it to catapult your lineage into greatness beyond your comprehension. That is what happened with David. His walk to face and defeat Goliath, changed the trajectory of His family forever. His lineage was changed from shepherds to Kings. You have no idea what is stored up in your obedience and your start. Your rise is predicated on your obedience to God.
In this life there are so many opportunities to be distracted into immobility. It is up to us to stay focused on obeying the commands of God to keep on walking on water, in the face of the obstacles and distractions. I don’t care how tall the waves may seem, Keep on Walking! In the face of darkness and gloom, Keep on Walking! In the face of disappointment and uncertainty, Keep on Walking! If you start, you will get to Here. If you start, your team will get to Here. But, you have to START! You have to start, even if you are at the bottom. You can’t afford to stay at the bottom. You have to rise to the top. God has given you everything you need to make it to the destination. Refuse to be distracted. Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP! RISE TO HERE!