“Father Knows Best!” That was one of my favorite sitcoms growing up. It was an amazing depiction of a wonderful family with an amazing father. I know someone out there has to remember this legendary television show. But, even more amazing, is the fact that I got to live out that scenario. I have definitely been blessed with an amazing Dad, who lead with strength, wisdom, and example.
Growing up, we did not always feel like the parents knew best. We often felt like we knew best, what would work for our lives. However, life taught us real quickly, that the parents knew a little bit more than we thought they did. This came with life experience and life lessons. It is such a wonderful experience to follow parents who follow Christ. To me that is the difference between average and great. When we have Fathers who follow Christ, it makes for a legacy of good success. We are in the season of “Dad Celebration”. We must make the intentional effort to celebrate the great Dads, that make the decision to ensure that they raise amazing human beings. Sometimes we can get distracted by the glaring occurrence of absentee Dads or even dysfunctional Dads. The unfortunate effects of bad behavior and choices, has definitely left its mark on our international society. However, you get more of what you focus on. It behooves us to celebrate the great Dads, who are making it happen.
Celebrate the Dads who invest into their kids in a good way. Celebrate the Dads who lead their children to God. Celebrate the Dads who educate their kids to master life. Celebrate the Dads who are present. Celebrate the Dads who love their wives. Celebrate the Dads who provide a safe home for their families. It is important to be the example that our young men can emulate and celebrate. Our young people must see the wisdom that leads to greatness and productivity.
So this weekend, as you celebrate Father’s Day, level it up. Show your appreciation for your Dads, Husbands, Brothers, Uncles and Cousins. If they are doing a great job let them know that you appreciate them. If they are not, let them know that you expect more from them, because you know that there is greatness in them. It is important to normalize greatness. When we expect more, we will demand more. There is greatness in every one of us. If we point our men to the great God who created them, they will come to understand that they were created in the image and likeness of God. We have to look like God. We have to bring him glory by the lives that we live. We must look like God. After all God The Father always Knows Best! Dads that follow God, create kids that follow God.