Steward It!

I just became aware of a word that has been trending for a minute. That word is “Life-ing”. I hope I spelt it correctly. No, I have not been hiding under a rock. I just missed that trend for a minute. But, once I heard it, I immediately connected with the word, in its entirety.

This life is meant to be lived in all its glory. That glory encompasses the good, the bad, and unfortunately, the ugly. But, God expects us to navigate and steward it. I was just contemplating on the many decisions that I have to navigate through. Although I know that it will all work together for my good, I still have the reoccurring thought blast, “Why does it have to be this difficult”. The reply came to my spirit, almost immediately, “God is looking at how you handle this”.

God is not going to promote us to higher levels, if we cannot effectively steward our present levels. I have received my greatest strategies, creativity and revelations, in the midst of the difficult situations. Steward It! Steward your money! Steward your academics! Steward your marriage! Steward your children! Steward your business!

When we steward effectively, profit and productivity is a guarantee. Remember the servants in the Bible, that were given the various talents. The servants that created profit were rewarded with more to steward over. But, the servant who hid the talent, was reprimanded because of his poor stewardship. The very talent he hid, was taken from him, and given to the profitable servants (Matthew 25:14-30). God knows what we face, before we even face it. However, He knows that He placed in us, everything we need to navigate and bring profit in the midst of the turmoil. Invest the time, energy, and even money, to level up the situation. The profit will create a platform and situation that is bigger than you. The ripple effects will create a trajectory that will not only bless you, but, will bless generations to come.

Embrace the fact that God has equipped you to be a great steward of Life. Walk with God and allow the Holy Spirit to instruct you through the Stewardship process. You will end strong. You will create great profit. You will go the Next Level!

Steward It!

Life-It Well!





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