Filter the Noise
The recording process is one of the most unique experiences you could ever experience. Most sounds we hear, consist of a collage of various sounds. The real interesting event happens when you break down the sound into its various components. Once you isolate the sounds, you now have the opportunity to perfect each individual sound. Your ability to effectively filter each sound, will affect the quality of the final sound you create.
This process of noise filtration also applies to our success in living this life. Our every day life is enthralled by incessant noise. Loud Noise! Soft Noise! Angry Noise! Joyful Noise! In order for any individual to navigate this life successfully, one must learn how to effectively filter the noise of life. If we listen with our spirit man, we will effectively isolate, analyze and enhance each sound. When we isolate each sound, we can determine which sound is needed and which is not. We can determine which sound will work together and which sound will not work together. One of our main life goals should be to create the perfect harmony for our life’s purpose. It is important to understand which sound works for our purpose and which sounds do not work for our purpose. Time is one of the most precious commodities that we have. We cannot afford to waste our time on noise that does not create the perfect harmony for our life’s purpose. Learn to effectively filter the noise that surround you. Refuse to get distracted. Allow God to surround you with His peace and wisdom, so you can navigate effectively. As you allow God’s peace to govern your heart and mind, you will see through the noise and drama. You will make sounder decisions. You will master life. You will rise above the noise and navigate from an aerial view.
Filter the Noise!
Rise above the Noise!