Mission Accomplished

The yearly God-Assignment is the overwhelming mystery that pervades the minds of billions at the beginning of every year. What am I supposed to accomplish this year? What problem am I supposed to solve this year? How will I accomplish my assignment? It all seems repetitive. The predictability of it all, should make it highly solvable, right? You would think so. However, that is definitely not the case.

Every year is shrouded in mystery and unpredictability. Most people experience intense anxiety at the thought of not knowing what the New Year encompasses. But, the Bible says that we are not to react to situations like those who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13). Our hope is in the Lord, our God, who created the heavens and the earth. I may seem redundant when I state that, the one who created us, has the blueprint on us. He knows what we need, when we need it and how we need it. He designed the purpose for our existence. He knows what our assignment is. We need to maintain our communication with the only one who created us. He knows your assignment for each and every year of your existence.

The Assignment denotes the Mission. We are not just commissioned to have a cute statement that we make as a New Year’s Resolution. The Mission always necessitates completion. We have to complete the Mission. The Mission always has a resultant goal. Embrace each Mission with understanding and an Action Plan. Let the Mission drive how you live and what you do. When you understand the importance of your Mission, you will recognize the need for constant communication with God. The Holy Spirit was given to us to empower and instruct us. If you maintain a good relationship with Him, you will always stay on track. If you maintain your connection with the Heavenly Head Office, you will always be able to declare, at the end of every year, and every assignment, “Mission Accomplished!”.

Ultimately the most important declaration we desire to hear is, “Well Done!”.

Get it Done!



Above All!


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