Above All!
I love this song, “He’s Able” by Dietrick Haddon.
One line says,
“Exceedingly, abundantly, Above all, all you could ask or think..”.
This is also taken from a passage in the Bible, found in Ephesians 3:20.
It amazes me how God’s thoughts about me, cannot even be comprehended by my human intellect. I have always had big dreams and goals, that have been my driving force for education and hard work. Most of those goals often seem like they may be unattainable. But, what blows my mind is the fact that God’s thoughts about me are unimaginably greater than my best ideas on my best day. God’s thoughts about us are what determines how valuable we are. The fact that God thinks so highly of you, should be the motivation for your every waking moment.
If we focus on God’s valuation of us, we will overcome negativity and depression and every obstacle. We should wake up everyday talking to God about what He sees in us. God has daily instructions for us, based on His purpose and plans for our lives. Life is never supposed to be boring or insignificant. Every day is an assignment with purpose. I wake up every day, just anticipating my God-Mission. God’s thoughts are consistently innovative, uplifting, inspirational and motivational. You will never be depressed when you embrace God’s plans for your life.
Once you embrace God’s value and thoughts, you will ultimately behave in accordance with His plans for you. Your behavior shifts to productivity and excellence. Your mindset changes to an elevated level that matches God’s purposes for you. Even more important, God has the capacity to fulfill every plan He has for your life. God has your back. You can be confident and boast in God’s plans, because they have to come to pass.
Expect God’s “Above All”! Expect to be blown away by God’s plans! Live a life of expectation!