Amp It Up!

There is nothing more distracting than trying to hear a voice or important message, that does not have enough volume. When I hear my favorite song or singer or speaker, I am completely distracted by not being able to hear clearly and audibly. I want the sound to be amped up as loud as is responsible.

We all have our God-given sound that needs to be heard, in order to leave an impact. However, if that sound is muted, it lacks the momentum needed to make an impact. At those junctures in my life, business, and ministry, God always gives the nudge to, “AMP IT UP!”. In this New, New Year, we need to AMP UP our sound. We need to add that extra jolt that takes us from regular to extraordinary. I saw this quote that blessed my heart. “Solve common problems, with extraordinary solutions”. Leave a lasting impact that adds value and advances the kingdom of God.

When we address life situations with Amped Up solutions, we will leave a blessing trail, everywhere graced with our presence. The Biblical Parable admonishes us to do business until Jesus comes (John 19:13). It is important for us to Amp our business Up! Amp Up your Love Walk! Amp Up your Faith! Amp UP your speech! Amp Up your Wisdom Level. Live a life that is Amped Up! There are people waiting on the the impact of your Amped Up Life! God is waiting on you!






Above All!