You’ve Been Free!
Freedom is a fundamental value that lies at the core of human existence. It is the power to act, speak, and think without hindrance or restraint. Freedom empowers individuals to pursue their goals, express their beliefs, and make choices that shape their lives. It is a precious right that must be protected and preserved for future generations to thrive and prosper. The scripture (John 8:36) states, “Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.”
The thing is, why do people who have been made free, still acting like they are in bondage? That is the question that pervades my mind. If God has made you free, why are you still living a life beneath your privilege? The freedom that Jesus died to give us, is on automatic download. The only thing we have to do is activate the redemption code. The one way to do that is to accept Jesus as the Lord of our lives, by faith, and live to bring God glory. Simple, right? You would think that people would jump at such a win, win opportunity. Instead, we find that all too many people leave this enormous opportunity, and resort to fake opportunities presented to them by the devil. Ask Eve, how that went for her. Not too good! As a matter of fact, we are living in a mess of a situation, because Eve chose to believe the devil’s lies over the ultimate truth and privilege, prepared for her by God.
Freedom is best, when we use it to bring a lift to our lives and the lives of others. The scripture warns about using our liberty as an occasion to the flesh (Galatians 5:13). People who don’t understand the purpose for their freedom, often abuse that freedom and also abuse others with their freedom. If you are free, act like it! Use your empowered value, to empower the value in others. There should never be a case of abuse or destruction, when freedom is present. We have no excuse! We, who have been gifted freedom, must use that freedom to build and produce. Freedom has to be accompanied with the right mindset. The freedom mindset must be intentional about empowering value. Whenever freedom exists without the freedom mindset, we have chaos and destruction. The Bible tells us that once we accept the gift of salvation, we will also be gifted with mind of Christ. “What Would Jesus Do?”, is not just a cliche. We must seek to follow Jesus’ example and get the mind of Christ on everything we embark on doing. Seeking out God’s mind on a matter, will only lead us to blessings and increase.
As we celebrate freedom, let us not take it for granted but uphold it as a beacon of hope and progress for all. The next time you mention the fact that you are free, take one moment to ensure that you have the freedom mindset. Take the time to ensure that you are empowering others with your freedom. Take the time to ensure that your environment reflects the freedom that you have been gifted with. The fact that you were born, means you’ve been free! Now act like it!