I Thought You Knew!

Have you ever been in a predicament where you knew the solution and thought that everyone knew the solution as well. The wheels kept moving, until it was time to access that solution. However, you suddenly had the revelation that no one knew the solution, but you. The revelation was supposed to bring ultimate joy and relief. Yet, it brought to light the fact that there were people who were not living with the awareness of the solution that could liberate them.

This is exactly how I feel everytime I come face-to-face with the realization that people do not know all that Jesus paid the price to give to them. Every time I hear a person express their lack of hope and love, it breaks me heart. I instantly realize that they don’t know Jesus and what he has made possible just for them. The moment I hear of someone who took their life because they felt they had no value, I am petrified at the fact that they still do not know how much God loves them and invested in them. Every time I experience someone living a life of addiction and corruption, it makes me cringe. I am overwhelmed by the fact that this person does not know that Jesus allowed himself to be stripped of all His dignity, so that he or she could live out their abundant life.

I just want to blurt out to people, “I thought you knew that God loved you and made abundant life available to you, for free”. When we get to know God and how much He loves us, it will keep us in a constant state of gratitude, dominion and confidence. Our confidence is in the fact that God is able to do all things, well. Jesus made it possible that we could have the same power that He has. We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus (Romans 8:17). So in case you did not know, let me tell you that God loves you tremendously. You don’t have to embrace the devil and his counterfeit. God has made all blessings possible for you. All you have to do is accept God’s redemption package and choose to make God the Lord of your life. There is no better life than a life with God.

Now that you know, you must do better. You have to live out God’s purpose for your life. You must be a blessing to others. Jesus is the whole package! Live a life that brings God glory! Now that you know, you must share that good news with others, so that they too, can know. And now you know!!




Who Told You To Stop?


Oops! God did it Again!