Be About the Focus!

Okay! We are still all about the Olympics, which are about to close in a day or two. Let me tell you! These athletes continue to amaze me. Their focus is ridiculous. But, one of the sprinters in Track and Field, blew it out the park. We watched him run a race, that frankly, he did not look like he was going to finish, far less win. He looked like he was going to faint and fall over. I was actually scared for him. Then, suddenly, out of no where, he began to gain momentum. He pushed and persevered and made a drive that took him all the way from behind to ultimately, win the race. They spoke with him at the end and asked him about his process for finding the strength to win. His answer was that he was laser focused on winning and avoided any distractions in his peripheral.

That spoke volumes to me, and maybe countless others. Many times we allow our focus to be skewed by the many distractions that linger in our peripheral. If he chose to focus on the distractions over his destination, he would not have been able to win the race. My question to you is, “What are you focused on?” Are you maintaining a locked-in focus on your destination, or are you allowing life’s distractions to get you off-track. It is the devil’s job to work on getting us off of our purpose. He sometimes tries to get us to fight and fuss, which then leaves room for him to come around the side and defeat us. I will continue to say, that the devil is doing his job tremendously well. The question is, “Are we doing our job well"?”. When we focus on doing what God has ordained us to do, we will not have time to get distracted by the devil. Stay Focused! Win your Race!

Habakkuk 2:2 says,

And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Keep the vision before your eyes, continually. When you feel like you are lagging behind a bit, revisit the vision and refocus. Find the inner strength to press even harder toward the goal. Get before God, and allow Him to re-energize you with fresh momentum. Finish Strong! Get to the destination in style. The race is not given to the swift. But, time and chance happens to everyone (Ecclesiastes 9:11). Endurance and Persistence will get you to the finish line. Just win well! Enjoy the win! However, never become complacent. Keep it movin! BE ABOUT THE FOCUS!





The AfterParty!

