Power You
I just heard this statement, that was an “Ah Ha” Moment. And the statement is…….. (drum roll), “There is nothing more powerful than YOU”. I was forced to contemplate on that drop load of power. There is nothing more powerful than you. Allow me to add to that statement. There is nothing more powerful than you in the hands of God.
Ephesians 2:10 says, we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. God has created us for His purpose. I always say that God’s purposes are so far above our purpose, that we cannot even imagine it. Have you ever been faced with a situation that did not turn out the way you wanted it to. But, then out of that situation something totally different was invented that created a far greater outcome than you even thought possible. That’s how God works. He knows exactly what He wants you to accomplish. He also know just how He is going to get you to His designed destination.
In the hands of God, we are weaponized to destroy the works of the devil. God has given us authority and dominion in the earth. We are the stewards and managers of earth. We are the implementers of God’s plans for the earth. This is exactly why the devil works overtime to distract and deceive us. If he could get us off-track, he will succeed in temporarily slowing down the plans of God. Of course, he cannot stop God. But, he can definitely try to hold up God’s people and their purpose. Understanding your importance to God, empowers you to be the Power You, that He created you to be. Speak with Power! Live with Power! Think Power thoughts! Simply be, who God has created you to be. You please God when you obey His commands and live to bring Him glory. You carry the glory! If you don’t please God, you diminish your power and purpose. I am calling to my Power People. Stand up and live each day on PURPOSE! POWER PEOPLE, You are empowered!